SGSOs Unite!

Since 2012, we have facilitated School Garden Support Organization networking dinners and gatherings at like-minded national conferences.


August 15th at 5:30 pm Minneapolis, MN Local Time – School Gardener Gathering at the NFSN Annual Partner Meeting

Join our Elist For Upcoming Webinar and Gathering Announcements


Past Gatherings

May 29, 2020 – School Gardener Gathering Dinner at the Nature Everywhere Conference in Madison, WI

July 10, 2019 – School Garden Support Organizations Unite! as part of the American Horticulture Society’s National Youth Gardening Symposium in Madison, WI

April 26, 2018 –  
School Garden Support Organizations Unite! Networking Dinner and Meeting as part of the 9th Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Cincinnati, OH

July 14, 2017
-School Garden Support Organizations Unite! as part of the American Horticulture Society’s National Youth Gardening Symposium in Portland, OR

March 29, 2017 – Networking session of CA School Garden Support Organizations at California Farm to School and Garden Conference in Modesto, CA

June 2, 2016 -School Garden Support Organizations Unite! as part of the  National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Madison, WI
Notes from our gathering are posted on our forum.

July 9, 2015 -School Garden Support Organizations Unite! as part of the American Horticulture Society’s National Youth Gardening Symposium in Austin, TX Sustaining Garden-Based Learning in Public Schools – Seeds of Change Workshop Presentation from 2015 NCYGS NCYGS Notes from the “Policies to Support School Gardens” Group Notes from the Garden To Cafeteria Breakout

April 15, 2014 -School Garden Support Organizations Unite! as part of the  National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Austin, TX View notes