school garden
Peer learning communities and
Affinity Groups

The SGSO Network is an open peer-to-peer learning network to grow,
sustaining and elevating a movement of equitable garden-based education.

What are Peer Learning Communities and Affinity Groups?

Our network seeks to provide a space for people of similar interests, roles, and regions, and identities within the school garden movement to find each other and connect. Communities can also work together to generate ideas, actions, and resources for the whole movement. Network leadership will stay in touch with Communities and provide support as appropriate, with the main goal to support, document, and share Community learnings.

Join a Peer Learning Community or Affinity Group

Forming and Growing a Community:

  • You can post to our forum (link) of 900+ members to form a community. 
  • We can announce your community in a blast to our email list of over 4,200 members. 
  • Your community can be listed in our list of Peer Learning Communities for others to easily find you.

General Support

  • Network leadership can provide support and thought partnership as availability allows.

Sharing Your Impact with The Movement

  • We can host your leaders and experts in a webinar. 
  • Any resources you create or compile can be shared in Promising Practices as a new section or added to an existing section.

Provide Feedback

The structure of Peer Learning Communities is an emergent one: it will remain in development as we receive feedback from our

members and grow together with the school garden movement. We welcome you to share feedback and ideas here.