How to Join and Use the School Garden Support Organization Forum
- You’ll need an email associated with a Google account
- Visit the forum and click Ask to Join. A moderator will add you shortly.
- Once signed in, use the search bar on the top of the page or the browse conversation labels on the side bar.
- To post a new conversation, click New Conversation
For more help visit Google Groups Help Page
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Forum Etiquette

When to Reply to Everyone
If you have additional perspectives or resources to add to the discussion, reply to everyone on the forum so they can see what you have to share. Click the little double arrow reply button to cue up your reply to everyone. If you are just acknowledging or thanking a post author it is best to reply just to the author and not the whole forum.
When replying via your email, including [email protected] in the address line will reply to all.

When to Reply Just to the Author
If you have words of appreciation or acknowledgement (such as "thanks for sharing", "great resource") it is best to reply just to the author. You many also want to reply just to the author if what you have to share isn't as useful for our whole forum to see (for example "we do that in our town too"). Click the little down arrow to access the reply to author feature.
When replying via your email and you do not want to reply to all make sure [email protected] is not in the address line.