Educating on a Changing Planet: Drought Resistant and Climate Resilient Garden Strategies for our Future

Upcoming webinar

Educating for a changing planet: drought resistant and garden resilient strategies for our future

January 22nd, 11:00 AM PT/2:00 PM ET

This workshop session will build a case for the importance of teaching water conservation through school gardens. As temperatures climb and both surface and groundwater supplies diminish, many communities are having to rethink their agricultural practices and consider the vulnerability of their food systems. This workshop will introduce participants to several water-saving strategies that can be taught and implemented with students in school gardens, including active and passive rain harvesting, drought-tolerant crop selection, mulching and soil-building, subsurface irrigation with ollas and watering stakes, intentional use of shade, and more! Ashley will also share about a year-long documentary project she did with middle school students to help them learn about the impact of water shortages on agriculture and local communities. This workshop will be solution-oriented, with tools to help prepare students to be problem-solvers, informed stewards, and compassionate regenerators of our world.

Presenters will include:
- Ashley Fine, School Garden Coordinator at Skyview School in Prescott, AZ.

This live webinar is a part of the six month Growing School Garden Summit Webinar Series, featuring presentations from the March 2024 Growing School Gardens Summit, hosted by the Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation in partnership with Life Lab and the SGSO Network. All presenters are compensated for sharing their expertise with our Network, generously funded by the Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation.

This webinar will be recorded and archived on the Recording Library section of our Webinars page.